It would be nice to know you
Dear visitors to this BlogSpot,
It would be nice to know you – and that’s from the heart. You’re 3,757 to
visit this stop off on your internet journey – from France, the United States,
the Ukraine, the UK, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Australia, Canada, India, Mexico,
Algeria and even Nepal. And other places too.
I personally know some of you. And I think, in these very tough times,
it would be nice for you all to have a say too. Send me a word, drop me a line.
Make a comment. Speak to me of your hopes and dreams, work, family, sadness and
joy – and if you want, I’ll post you on the blog with a message to the world.
Send a mail to this address: and I’ll get back in touch.
So times are tough. It has been said. But they seem tougher now than ever.
Taking a step back and looking at the last 30 years or so, nothing much has
changed on certain fronts. Recession has been constant. Most of the same old
faces are still around, telling us what to do or promising us what they cannot keep.
We are taxed until life becomes more like survival than living. Wars are
fought. Extremes still sow panic. Systems stay absurdly the same. And England
still hasn’t reached the World Cup final (!).
But there are beautiful moments too. And we must continue, must we not?
We must believe, hope, fall in love, gaze across the hillsides and walk by the
sea, start families, and follow dreams – for that’s what counts and what keeps
us afloat.
Your visits to this blog certainly help me, that’s for sure. They give
me a hope that maybe I can offer something. That maybe you in turn will be able
to give through the work that you will endeavour. And
that maybe what I write can offer the world something too (by the way, a
percentage of everything I write goes to charities – see posts - so your
gesture of buying and reading my books helps both others and the world
progress. And if, by bad luck, you can’t find the means to buy, then a jolly
review on Amazon, a Like, Tweet, Star or any other weird and wonderful positive
gesture would help just as much!). So thanks for your visits, thanks for your effort,
however long or however brief!
Talking of teens - I was a dreamer! |
The new book of poetry – 36 Exposures – has just been published, with an
end-of-year aim to donate to Vibrance Care Homes UK. The novel published in
March, The Kingdom of Emptiness, needs help and promotion – for it may well be
a story that changes the world for the better! And just for you, I’ve decided
to post something that I learnt a few years ago and that has helped me achieve
my own dreams. It’s a coaching tool: HOW TO REACH YOUR DREAM IN 9 STEPS. And
because I can’t technically upload the full thing in a document on this blog,
I’ll be doing it in steps – all 9 of them over the next 9 weeks. It works. For
me it did. And for those I’ve trained, coached and helped, it did. So you can
benefit from it too.
But before we begin (this coming weekend), it’s necessary to have…A
DREAM! So get thinking, get dreaming. Maybe you’ve already got one. If you
haven’t – and it’s very often the case – then go back to when you were a
teenager or even before. You remember – when your sleep and idle moments were
filled with dreams! And if you still can’t think of a dream that you want to
achieve, then ask yourself: “what if I woke up tomorrow? What would my perfect
life, my perfect world be like?” And there you’ll find your dream.
Kisses to all. And raising a beer to you too. Hope to hear from you soon
and look out for the coming weekend and the first step in reaching your dream!